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Data Access

Species Conservation Landscape (SCL) are freely accessible, and the code to generate them is fully open souce, because we support the transparency and reproducibility of Open Science. It also helps conservation.

Data are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial_ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) license. Please cite this paper in all uses.


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All SCL calculations are based on a common task framework written in Python and making heavy use of the Earth Engine API. Each task is a separate Git repository hosted under a GPL 3.0 license on GitHub, inheriting from a common set of classes Docker container maintained in task_base. READMEs and code is fully accessible at the link below.

View on Github

Google Earth Engine

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SCL calculations are performed within the task framework referenced below, with Google Earth Engine at its core. Earth Engine is a Cloud-based framework that combines a multi-petabyte catalog of Earth Observation data from NASA and other sources with a powerful geospatial analysis API. SCL outputs are stored in an ImageCollection at projects/SCL/v1/, with subdirectories by species (e.g. ../Panthera_tigris). Landscape assets available in the ../canonical/pothab directory by landscape type and timepoint or by following the link below.

Asset location script on Google earthengine

Outside Google Earth Engine

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For those without GEE access, SCL assets are exported as GeoJSON files and ESRI Shapefiles for each time point. Note that there is a slightly different field naming structure because of limits on shapefile fieldname lengths.

SCL data files